; CFC Middle East: Prayer for life

Thursday, August 2

Prayer for life

 On 4 August 2012, as one CFC Middle East family, let us be one in praying THE PRAYER FOR LIFE, at 12noon (UAE time). 
Let us pray for the protection of LIFE in midst of all the issues and attempts around the world to destroy the dignity and sanctity of it.

Father in Heaven, Creator of Life,

We come before your Holy Presence to thank you for the gift of life, family, and love.

We honor you for creating such a beautiful world to live in,where we are blessed to enjoy the fullness of life here on Earth.  

We are grateful and honored for beautifully crafting each one of us in your image and likeness.  

We thank you for giving us life and for bestowing upon us the privilege to protect and nurture this gift.

We also thank you. Lord, for the freedom to choose and the opportunity to live out our dreams and desires in hope to fulfill our main purpose for living.  May we learn to seek your will in all that we do.  

We humbly ask for your forgiveness for the many ways we destroy the beauty of what you have created as a result of our failure to value life, what it stands for and failing to live out its purpose.

We ask you to pour upon our hearts the grace to forgive ourselves for our wrong choices and for not upholding the dignity of the life you have gifted us.

We pray for the courage to fight for life.  
Life, so precious from the very moment of conception. May we value the miracle happening thru each new lifeconceived.  May we be reminded of the beauty of God’s love with each new life born in this world.  May we learn to realize more and more that each new life in a mother’s womb symbolizes love and hope for tomorrow’s future.  

We pray for all the unborn children, victims of wrong choices, may these innocent souls find their way back to heaven and rest in God’s fatherly love.   We pray for all the men and women who chose to prevent or end life, may they seek God’s forgiveness and peace.  

We pray for strength to stand up for the family.  
May we restore family to its original purpose as a source of love and foundation of God’s goodness in our lives. May we be reminded that we are destroying family for every new life we choose to end.  

We pray for all the fatherless and motherless children that they will find hope and experience love.  

We pray for all families who are struggling to make ends meet that they may realize that each child to provide for is a blessing and not burden.  

We pray for all married couples, may they fully embrace their role as parents and raise their children in a loving environment.    

We pray for wisdom and guidance, especially for those who cannot understand the very concept of life – people in power, the lawmakers, men and women facing unwanted pregnancies, doctors, parents – may their hearts and minds be renewed and enlightened to seek the truth.  

Father in Heaven, instill within us faith to believe in what is right…. hope to trust in your will… and love to be able to fully embrace the dignity of life.  


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