; CFC Middle East: I am a princess

Saturday, August 18

I am a princess

I am reminded of how much God loves me. I’m reminded of how He knows the plans for my life even though I haven’t got a clue. I am reminded of just how many opportunities I have had in the last few years that I thought I’d never do in my life. But most importantly, I’m reminded of His grace. God’s grace is what will always help me through. There are times in my life when I become suddenly afraid that my life is a huge mess. I am not perfect. I make wrong decisions. I am inconsistent. But in our reflection after each talks, I was able to talk to Jesus and He said “I see order, beauty, goodness and love; I see perfection in you Cha Cha”. Then Jesus looks at me, smiles and says “The reason why I died on the cross is for you to have what I have. Open your eyes, my beloved princess. You are loved, righteous, rich, gorgeous, favored, blessed, good and skilled. You have value in my heart. I am the one keeping you alive because you are mine. I have plans for you." After that, it hit me, whatever God chooses to do, I am trusting in Him completely. He’s going to work it all out for our good. God is my Father and I’m giving all my broken pieces to Him, and trusting He will make me whole again.

So now I am giving my life back to God. I need to refocus, to get on track with my spiritual life and to grow. God has great things in store for me but in order for it to come to pass I needed to be His authentic princess. I needed to put Him first again, be obedient, and submit myself. There’s a burning desire in my heart to be a woman who is sensitive to the Holy Spirit and immediately obedient when I hear His voice, because I recognize and know it already. I desire to be a woman with an undivided heart. A woman who is wise and understanding but willing to always humbly learn more. A woman who relies on God for my all, living each day in increasing faith. A woman completely secure and satisfied in the love of my Heavenly Father. A woman of modesty and mystery. A woman who brings honor and glory to my King with reverence, never losing my adoration or awe of His majesty. A woman of purity of heart and mind, protecting innocence without being ashamed of my commitment to set-apartness and holiness.

I am a Princess. I am made in the glorious image of The One Living God. I reflect parts of His heart in a way no one else ever could. And I absolutely cannot find contentment anywhere else, or in anyone else, until I find my sole fulfillment in HIM. Only Jesus can fulfill every need and desire of my heart.
- a reflection by Sis Chacha Guerra, SFC UAE, after attending Princess Diaries' retreat :)

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