; CFC Middle East: Answered Prayer

Saturday, September 1

Answered Prayer

It was around the time of YFC UAE’s 9th National Conference that one of our coordinators started advertising Cross Culture Singapore (just a month before). I had no intention of going. I knew the trip was going to be costly and I didn’t think it was something worth going for. I had money saved up but I was headstrong for WYD, Rio. I didn’t bother considering going to Singapore. Up until the point when I found out that three of my close friends were going. Then my whole mindset changed. I asked my parents about it and they said yes, provided that I pay for my own expenses. Which, surprisingly, I was willing to do. I didn’t know where the sudden gush of excitement came from, but from the minute I found out they were going, I felt the urge to go as well. Plus, when I found out that Universal Studios was part of the itinerary, the need to go became stronger. To visit Universal Studios was one of my dreams.
It didn’t take long for me to realize that my intentions were completely wrong. I saw the Cross Culture Trip as a vacation rather than a mission. Two weeks before Cross Culture, the team and I would go for morning Mass daily, and the one thing that I prayed for everyday was that my reasons for going would change. I knew that the Lord didn’t instill this strong desire in me to go if He didn’t have greater plans for me. I had faith that He would change my point of view.
By His grace, it happened!  The team from the UAE arrived in Singapore on June 7th, a day before Cross Culture started and according to the itinerary, the first YFC activity that we were to serve in was still on the 10th. I remember feeling so idle waiting for that day to come. My yearning to serve in an activity grew strong and nothing excited me more than the idea of serving YFC Singapore. That’s when I realized that the Almighty had answered my prayer. The eagerness to serve was brought back; I was so happy. As days passed, I continued to feel the joy in service. Even if the activities conducted were events I’ve already attended before, things didn’t seem repetitive. Serving with YFCs from the Philippines and Singapore was a privilege because it felt great hearing the different stories that accompanied their talks and sharings.
Day by day produced blessing after blessing. And overall, I just felt so favored by the Lord for allowing me to experience such an adventure. Though my intentions in the beginning were inappropriate, He managed to change my mentality and showed me the true meaning of mission. That stepping out of our comfort zone was rather a blessing than a devouring fear. I couldn’t be more thankful to the Lord for giving me the opportunity to go on this mission trip. I’ve gained prayer partners, learnt life lessons, heard stories, and most importantly, I was affirmed of His undying love.

YFC UAE & YFC SG represent!
Two months before Cross Culture, I felt so devastated knowing that I was missing out on an amazing weekend – which was the 19th International Leaders Conference in Aklan, Philippines. A sister reminded me though that if the ILC wasn’t in the books for me, God will bless me with another adventure soon. It took me a while to try and understand what she told me but I had no other choice but to leave it all in His hands. Who would’ve thought that my prayers would be answered just two months after? The plans of the Lord are crazy and unpredictable, but once you say yes, you just know that everything’s going to fall into place because He’s in charge. I pray that I will always say yes to the call for mission despite all the fears and obstacles. I felt so loved and utterly blessed throughout this mission that I’m so excited to see where the Lord will take me next to experience 
more of His love.

“No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.”
         1 Corinthians 2:9

      - Donna Mendoza, YFC UAE

These are the full transcript of the sharings of some of the YFC UAE who joined the YFC Cross Culture in Singapore last June.  Related article from our website.

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