; CFC Middle East: Captivating

Monday, May 14


Captured in the Captivating Embrace of the Almighty
I like to describe myself as a woman who is an intimate lifetime relationship with all things literary. My passion for reading was borne out of the efforts of my mother who, from the early years of my life, exposed me to the world of words. As the years flew by, my hunger for words developed, not only to seek awareness of the things around me, but my soul also craved to discover more about God in my life. I noticed that I have a tendency to share the lessons that I have learnt from books to the people around me. More often than not, I unconsciously try to manipulate conversations that I have, just so that I have an excuse to speak about the book that I’m currently reading. This is my experience with the book, “Captivating” by John and Stasi Eldredge.

Since the start of my journey with the Lord, I was always drawn to books that were about being a woman of God. I loved reading how even with all the insecurities and drama that women experience, we are always, first and foremost, the beloved one of God. However, I noticed that quite a lot of books out there always prescribed steps on how to be the ‘perfect woman’ of God. They always told you what to do and what to think in order to achieve the ideal image of a “Proverbs 31” woman.

I first heard about Captivating from a fellow YFC brother from Canada when we were talking about our own lessons on what it is to be a true man and woman of, and for, God. He recommended Captivating to me, and sure enough I went to every resource within my reach to acquire my own copy. After three months of searching bookstores, reading reviews online and praying for it, I thought that the only choice that I had was to purchase it online. Then a big surprise came in Christmas of 2011 when a dear sister presented me with my own copy as a Christmas gift. I knew that it was the Lord’s way of affirming me that it was finally my time to read it. I am a firm believer in the idea that the things that you read greatly affect you because He has prepared you to understand the message that He wanted to give you at the time. That there is a specific time for you to read certain books. The same can be said for items in my personal library.

And what a message He did give me through Captivating! I learnt that deep in the heart of every woman lies a longing to unveil her beauty; to play an irreplaceable role in a great adventure and to be Romanced.

For most women, the epitome of beauty is often understood as the standard of what the world projects – a certain height, a certain weight, hair color, eye color, skin color and even the ‘whiteness’ level of one’s teeth. At the other end of the spectrum, we have women who defend the notion that it’s not all about the physical beauty, but rather the inside that counts. We women have a tendency to forget that beauty is, indeed, the whole package. ‘A woman’s beauty is a soulful beauty’ and it should be reflected on our exterior as well. Stasi shares how ‘beauty, without question, is the most essential and the most misunderstood of all God’s qualities – of all feminine qualities too.’ My mind swirled as I highlighted and underlined the line "Beauty is the essence of God" in my own copy. I was reminded of just how women long to be the desired beauty, God, too, longs to be desired and sought after by those who would love Him.

Women are also known as the ‘gentler sex’, but, in no way are we meant to be helpless. Captivating reminds us of our irreplaceable role in creation, of how we are to be Warrior Princesses in this battlefield that we call life. Stasi doesn’t hold back when she challenges women, “Ladies, you are the Bride of Christ… and the Bride of Christ is a warring bride.” We, women, are not meant to be the same as men, but we also have an equal role in fighting for the God we love. What do are we to fight for? Women should fight to defend. Defend the ones we love. Defend the relationships that we hold dear. But most of all, women are to defend and guard their own hearts that might easily fall sway to the temptations of the evil one. “You are passionately LOVED by the God of the universe. You are passionately HATED by His Enemy.” It takes a woman with strength of heart to be able to guard herself and the ones she loves in this battle. But, the best thing about all this is that God did not create us to fight in a battle without any means of defense.

And the last, but not the least, is the reminder that as women, being romanced is only natural. It was this that struck me the most after reading the book; the idea of being romanced by the Source of all romance. I have always been a woman of simple joys, but it took me this book to better appreciate this quirk that other people have often found amusing in my character. The thought that by appreciating the symphony of colors in sunsets, indulging in the gastronomic delights of street food or losing oneself in the harmony of voices in your favorite love song are all different ways that the Almighty Himself is romancing you. The God of the universe is after your heart and will stop at nothing till  you completely and utterly belong to Him.

Dear sisters in Christ, be affirmed. The Almighty, the supreme God of the universe is passionately in love with you. You might be the center of attention in crowds or you might be one that shies away from the spotlight. You could be a woman who doesn’t need heels for people to see her in a group or you could be one who is thankful for the gift of technology for projectors during conferences. You could be someone who people compliment in your choice of outfits or one who is comfortable getting your hands dirty under the hood of a car. Whatever your interests, whatever your desires, the Almighty is captivated by you. Your physical body. Your mind. Your heart. Your soul. He not only loves you, he is IN LOVE with you. The world is need of your beauty. Rejoice in your beauty for the Creator of the Universe makes all things good. He has made you in His image and the essence of God is beauty.

Dear brothers in Christ, be affirmed. Though you might not have been able to relate to certain aspects of this article, remember that the Almighty also desires your heart. You are the incarnation of a strong God, an adventurous God. Your soul must never be tamed in your inner longing of living the life that He wants for you. You, my brother, are a man. And as a man, your strength, your abilities, your mind should not be put in a corner. You were not made to live in a cage. You have a wildness in your heart that has been put there since the moment that He created you. But more on that soon.


by Apple Fuentes, SFC UAE

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