; CFC Middle East: March 2013

Sunday, March 31

The Lord shall reign forever and ever.  -Genesis 15:18

"I am the resurrection and the life.  He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; 
and whoever lives and believes in me will never die." -John 11:25-26

Friday, March 29

I'll never know how much it cost to see my sin upon that cross.

Wednesday, March 27

Be still and know that I am God.
                            Psalm 46:10

Tuesday, March 26

When we journey without the Cross, when we build without the Cross,
when we profess Christ without the Cross,
we are not disciples of the Lord, we are worldly:
we may be bishops, priests, cardinals, popes, but not disciples of the Lord.
                                                                                    - Pope Francis

Sunday, March 24

I think everyone should be told they're beautiful until they believe it.
                                                                                - Unknown

Wednesday, March 20

The path to heaven for married people has a name,
it's the name of your spouse.
                                                -Melo Villaroman

Tuesday, March 19

"Let there be grace for the Shepherd and obedience for the flock."

Thank You, praise God, for a victorious Papal Installation today!
God bless, Pope Francis.  God bless the church.

Sunday, March 17

Give people not only your care, but also your heart.
                                         -Blessed Mother Theresa

Thursday, March 14

Obey and Witness

I have been in SFC for the past four years and I always help out in the evangelization of our brothers and sisters with all that I could offer.   I was all the more empowered after attending the Singles For Christ International Conference (ICon) 2013.  I reflected on one of the priest's homily, he mentioned, "Obey and Witness should come together because we cannot be a witness if we don't know how to obey."

The only way that we can witness to the miracles of Jesus is by obeying Him.  I made this as a challenge to myself --- to obey so that I can truly be a witness.

~Bro. Joevan Gertes
SFC Middle East

Wednesday, March 13

Your yes to God ripples across the world to fulfill our vision
Every single man and woman all over the world experiencing Christ.
                                                                            - Shok Ariola

Tuesday, March 12

Chase Your Dreams

I realized that I've graduated from college nearly six years ago and I'm here abroad for the same number of years. I have achieved and done things that I was only dreaming about before.

I am truly blessed by God. But I still have lots of dreams to accomplish and experiences to live.

I have faltered at some point and have chosen difficult paths but I believe that it had helped me get by with life’s challenges and will help me in the future to make right choices.

I will once again fire up the will to accomplish my dreams. I will chase and live my dreams. 

With God’s grace, I will succeed.

I know, I will succeed.

by Sis Maria Jency Aves

Sunday, March 10

Dear Heart,
fall in love only when you're ready, 
not when you're lonely.

Wednesday, March 6

Lord, I don't want to ask for you to strengthen me, but rather be my strength oh God.
I don't want to ask you to be better in my life, but rather I ask You
to make me better for You oh God.  Help me Lord, hear my cry.  Amen!
                                                                                              - Mack Cortel

Sunday, March 3

Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for,  
the conviction of things not seen.
                                         - Hebrews 11:1