; CFC Middle East: Unwanted Finished Product

Thursday, April 25

Unwanted Finished Product

Picked up my ceramics the other day...
When I saw the finished products... ugh!
I felt like I didn't want to bring it home...
I don't even want to admit I was the one who painted it...haaayyyy.... 
I can hear myself saying...trying hard to be artistic...
Well, in fact, I could simply shrug it off because I enjoyed the process of painting it, anyway...
Never minding the outcome...

Just this morning, while doing my wide-awake daydreaming...
I thought of the painting process as our life...
What if ...
What if  the way we want to paint it is the way we want to live our lives...
When you enter Cafe Ceramique, their crew will be more than willing to assist you and advise you on how to navigate through the colors, techniques, stamps, etc.
But brushing off their advices, I simply went on my way.
What I thought would come out nice.
So, a dab of paint there, a dash of stamp here.
A sweep of the brush on that corner, engrave a word on that side...
I was enjoying painting the ceramic.

What if... 
We simply went on with our lives...
And did not listen to Him...
Because my first ceramic painting (a crown design)
Went well...
I thought I’ll do just fine the second time

In the end... after the ceramic has been glazed...
It cannot be undone anymore...
What we have done with our lives, will forever be etched, painted, scribbled on the ceramic of our life...

Great thing that my life is not as boxed as the ceramic painting...
so is my God....

That even though most of the time, we would want to go on our way... He will be there to correct some of our water color errors with just a wet sponge,
that He will not let the ceramic be burnt without Him  doing a few tweaks here and there... 
(by the way, Cafe Ceramique offers that free of charge!)
and even if sometimes we feel that the outcome is so ghastly ugly (argh!), God doesn't look through our eyes...
But through His own eyes of love and mercy...
Believing that every ceramic is special, handcrafted and unique in its own way.
The same treatment that He is giving to each of us.
The kind of love patented for every person.

Thank you for being that kind of God, my God.
Hold my hand firmly that I may paint my life with the right kind of strokes, O Lord,
that the colors that I put onto it will only reveal Your glory and nothing else.

By Sis Cheche Espinosa
SFC Mission Volunteer

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