; CFC Middle East: Journey

Thursday, April 18


I woke up in the world serving You,
I offered my life and my whole time through.
All of my days I trusted You,
But in just one snap, I abandoned You.

I left You alone and hated You a lot,
I thought You cared, but it seems You’re not,
I felt You neglected me for not answering my needs,
So I opted to stand alone and live on my own.

I live my life in a world of pleasure,
Totally different what I had before,
I found some happiness, but why do I still feel the emptiness?
Then I started missing You, but I kept on denying it.

I journeyed through a lot of sorrows,
But pride kept on telling me, not to call on You.
I tried to make things and life easier without You,
But I always failed and would just got worst.

My heart broke, my soul cried,
My life in a hole and I can no more hide,
I thought I can go on with my life without You,
But I cannot … I need You.

Then thousands of angel came, and started to embraced me,
I got up from the hole and started to see sunrise,
I heard Your voice again, I saw Your home, I heard Your call,
Lord, why You’re still so kind to me after all?

Truly my heart cries and regrets the things I did
Of all the bad things, still You’re ready to forgive.
My Lord, I’m sincerely sorry for turning my back to You,
Please let me come in again, I want to serve You. 

When an angel asked me, what gift I want from You,
Only FAITH I need, I’m humbly asking for it.
Though the Holy Spirit’s not completely in me right now,
Long as I have faith, it will help me a lot to grow somehow.

And now, I know where I will start,
To live my life with You, Oh God in my heart,
Together with the angels, we will spread Your love,
We will show the world that we have a Great Savior up above.

By Sis Bhem Alejandrino
SFC Kuwait

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