; CFC Middle East: God Wants You Back

Tuesday, April 2

God Wants You Back

I find it amazing how God works in our lives day in and day out especially during tough situations. I praise and thank God for working in my life the way He has recently.

God is persistent; He came to find me in my worst moments. He did not stop pursuing me until I saw my situation with clarity and wisdom. He took me out of the ‘pit’ I’m in. He stood at the top of the pit with His hand stretched down to me, helped me come up until I reached the top again. You see, I’ve been to the very bottom of that pit…and now, praise God I’m back!

God met me in my pain, worries and desperation. Even when the way back to Him filled me with fear over my mistakes, God gently moved me along.

God promised that He would never stop forgiving us, no matter what we do wrong. So don’t be deceived by Satan’s whispers that we have to be “good enough” to come back. God doesn’t desire sacrifices when we sin, He simply just wants us to praise Him, and let Him clean out our dirty heart.

Lord, help me to turn away from my sins and praise You, to let you clean out my dirty heart. Help me to come back to You with a broken but changeable heart, knowing that Your discipline is good. Help me to dislodge every weight that slows me down so I can run the race that You have set before me. Help me to fix my eyes on You. Amen.

by Sis Ivy Retuta

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