; CFC Middle East: BLESSED Mission

Tuesday, February 26


And then I paused and answered Him, "My Lord, my mission for this year is to bless."
Since I am blessed, therefore, it's my responsibility to bless. For me, B-L-E-S-S is my mission! It is because I desire to bless others and believe in the impossible. I want to live, love and be like Christ. I desire to evangelize His people. I want to experience the fulfillment of God's promises, to be able to develop the character of surrendering everything to Him and submitting to His will. And lastly, to serve with love and everything that I have and to be sent off to go beyond borders as a living testimony of His greatness.

That was when I realized that being BLESSED has a deeper meaning and impact on me.

B – BLESS others and BELIEVE in the impossible
E – EVANGELIZE His people and EXPERIENCE the fulfillment of God's promises
S – SURRENDER everything to Him and SUBMIT to His will
S – SERVE with love and be SENT OFF
E – I am an Extraordinary
D – Daughter and Princess of the King

My Prayer:

Lord God, thank you for this realization. Thank you for making me aware of the YES I said to You. Thank you for reminding me of the mission you entrusted to me. I am really happy, blessed and I love doing this all for your glory. Teach me to be humble, grateful, joyful, prayerful, trustful, faithful and hopeful in You. I trust your plans. I allow you Father to mold me and lead me to where you want me to be. Bless me with an open heart that’s willing to accept whatever it is that you have planned for me that I may not expect. Give me the strength to hold on and be still when I am put to the test and during times of struggle, pain and challenges. Teach me to forgive as you have forgiven me. Lord, I know with your grace I can achieve and do all things. Lord, as I BLESS others with your blessings, bless also my desire to serve and bring glory to you. Lord, I offer my heart to you, allow me to become a channel of your love and be your instrument. Father, I am ready to do your will. May you bless my desires, lead me closer to You, watch over my household, provide for my needs as I serve you, may I do all these things with increased faith, full of hope and unending love without measure. I am ready to obey without complain and witness your miracles as I journey with you in this mission. And I claim victory in the name of Jesus Christ, my Saviour together with the intercession of Mama Mary, the Holy Spirit, the Angels and Saints… AMEN!

Oh I love you Lord!!
I am an extraordinary daughter and princess of the King!
Thank You, Lord! May God be praised!

By Sis Sarah Lim

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