; CFC Middle East: Comfort Zone

Tuesday, August 28

Comfort Zone

Tria Fuentes, YFC UAE
Ever since I joined YFC, I was always under Chapter 1 - Cluster B. When I was assigned Chapter Head in the year 2010, I've seen how much the chapter has grown; and how we managed to stand up by God's grace, every time we would fall. Due to that, each and every member in that chapter holds a special place in my heart; knowing that I would see them every Saturday, would make me wish the weekdays would fly by faster. Indeed, the Lord has blessed me with people I call family in Chapter 1; and I couldn’t imagine myself serving any other people apart from those in my chapter.

However, before the Cross Culture trip, I was asked to become Cluster Head of Cluster A; a completely different world for me. I only knew people by name or just even by face. Because of that, I was hesitant to give my Yes for the new mission – for my new mission. Going to Singapore, however, cleared that doubt for me. Experiencing what it was like to serve with people I've never met, and to go the extra mile to know them and to know their stories, it was as if the Lord was teasing me. In a way, He was telling me, "My child, you’re coming here to Singapore, to prepare yourself in getting out of your comfort zone and serve in Cluster A."

During the whole experience from attending Cross Culture in Singapore, only one thought kept banging on the door of my heart; and that was "Give your complete Yes to God, no matter what."Throughout the entire trip, I was just placed out of my comfort zone. Every day we would be serving with YFC Singapore, and every day we would be meeting different people. But, every day the Lord would always affirm me of His presence and His love, and that I need not be scared of serving people I did not know; because it was not for me – not for my personal gain, but only to glorify His name, and His name alone through the service to other people.
Tria with YFC UAE and YFC SG

Those ten days spent with people from Singapore and from the Philippines enlightened me that we are not different from one another. Despite the fact that we have different cultures because we live in different countries, or that we have our own stories to tell or that we may be carrying our own crosses; but as missionaries, we are all called to serve, to go beyond borders and to leave all our worries behind, because with Him, nothing is impossible. We may be scared or we may have our doubts, but when we give our Yes, like how Mother Mary gave her Yes willingly, we have faith in the Lord that He would not abandon us in this mission to serve Him; but to evangelize others – as young people being and bringing Christ wherever we are.

- Tria Fuentes, YFC UAE

These are the full transcript of the sharings of some of the YFC UAE who joined the YFC Cross Culture in Singapore last June.  Related article from our website, more reflections to come the following days.

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