; CFC Middle East: Mission Exchange: A dream became a reality

Monday, July 9

Mission Exchange: A dream became a reality

The first thing that came to my mind when they say ‘mission’, it means Africa.  It was a childhood dream that no one knew. 

 Growing up, my parents were both working in a government school having the privilege to live inside the school campus.  The school was located in the middle of the mountain next to Aetas’ settlement area.  At a very early age we were taught to share our blessings in good faith.  I grew up seeing different kinds of people who come and go to our home asking for help - not always materially though.  Sometimes people came because they need someone to talk to and listen to them. My mother is an awesome listener and a counselor true to her being a teacher.

 Since I do not have grandparents anymore the matriarch of the Aetas clan became my so-called  ‘grandmother’.  Our family has good ties with them. In the beginning it was just a mission of my mother to help but they became part of our family.  Through my mother’s kindness my eyes were opened to a lot of things.  We may live in a privileged household but not everyone is blessed when it comes to other things.  She always says that “blessings are meant to be shared not to be kept”.

 Those were the words of my mother that kept burning in my heart and mind up to this moment.  I started dreaming of going places doing mission.  I discovered that people go to Africa to do mission.  I have no idea that there are different ways of doing mission. The only thing I knew is that people go there to help.  It was just wishful thinking - a dream. It was never a goal with concrete plan of action since I have my other priorities. 

Years passed and 2010 came. I never imagined that God will give me the perfect opportunity through SFC to serve Him in a different place and it is in East Africa, Uganda. I was anxious at first, however, I realized that when my heart said yes to the call without verbalizing the word, God already arranged everything for me and there is no reason to fret after all.

Being able to go to mission in Uganda for two consecutive years taught me a lot of things - it is a life changing experience that opened my eyes to much bigger realities in life. I have realized that being blessed comes in different ways. Others say having resources they need but when I went for mission in Africa I truly understood what being blessed truly meant. 

I admire Ugandan’s way of living. Whenever I look at them I saw the simplicity of life - how the simple things can make them happy. Despite of having so much struggle in their life they always see the light in the midst of darkness. I believe they are epitome of Let Go and Let God.  Ugandans are passionate people - they are passionate with their faith and they are not afraid to say it out loud.

 Whenever I face obscurities in my life, I always remember the times that I was able to spend with them and it bring smile to my face and light to my heart. This reminds me to - Let Go and Let God.

Sis Aenna Carreon, SFC Qatar

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