; CFC Middle East: More of Jesus' love

Thursday, May 10

More of Jesus' love

More of Jesus' love from our angels from Kids for Christ

I feel Jesus' love...

With my family
I see my family together and safe from harm.
He gives me and my family food to eat

At school
I feel Jesus’ love when:
1. He helps guide me to all my tests
2. He brings me safe back and forth to school

In Kids For Christ
1. When we have titos and titas in church who finds time to teach us about God.
2. I find new brothers and sisters to pray, play and have fun with in my KFC family

Sophia Dominique B. de la Cruz

I feel Jesus’ love in my family by being loved so much by my family members and giving me time to play games. And when I do something wrong they correct me because they love me and they want me to be a good son. They let me get the stuff they need to become a better adult in the future. I feel Jesus’ love in my school by having good classmates and teachers to help me out, and have some good friends. I like my teachers because they teach me many things. And I am blessed to have most math questions right. I am excited of all the projects we are doing and the shows we are preforming in front the whole audience. I feel Jesus’ love in my KIDS FOR CHRIST family by learning new things about Jesus. We sing, act or dance for Him. They taught us about the things Jesus taught us like the Prodigal son which teaches us about forgiving other people and Moses’ teaches about the 10 commandments.

                                               - Terrell Matthew Versoza Quintana

Pia and Terrell are from Kids for Christ - Qatar

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