; CFC Middle East: CFC UAE Magnificat Weekend

Sunday, April 29

CFC UAE Magnificat Weekend

We asked some CFC UAE members the Lord's message to them or their realizations after their National Conference - Magnificat Weekend last 20 April, in Sharjah :)

It made us realize how Mama Mary played an important role not only in our individual lives but as a couple. She has always been our role model in becoming a true follower and servant of God. Thru her obedience and simplicity, we too have taken up this virtue in serving God in CFC. 

 Despite the difficulties and hardships that we face everyday, we have a great God and to be focused in his power and majesty, we claim that blessings upon blessings will come forth. 
                                 Bro RS and Sis Leggy Sabido

This is my sharing, maybe it was a vision but it needs affirmation.
 While listening to Tito Joe’s talk and shared about the mission works of CFC doctors, I saw a clear building with a name of CFC Medical Centre. After a while, I saw a clear school building with children running towards it, and it was CFC Education Centre. I realized that CFC has so much work to do and we must not stop working to Proclaim His Greatness.
 This vision might not happen in the next 3 years, or 30 years, but surely it will happen in the coming generations of CFC. This is my sharing, maybe it was a vision but it needs affirmation.
- Sis Sally Sampaga

It touches our hearts as a couple that we should give 100% TRUST = (FAITH + HOPE). We both exhibit faith by believing and acknowledging Mother Mary's role in Jesus' life and by following her as our role model. We believe that Jesus assured us that there is something better to look forward to in His kingdom. Neither Hope without Faith nor Faith without Hope will nullify the complete factor of TRUST.
Always say YES to the Lord and offer all to Him, because the decision to follow God is the only decision that truly matters in our life as a couple.
 - Bro. Hanz and Sis. Shella Magalona

I need to spend more time with Mama Mary. Reminds me of the God's Calling to serve extra mile.
- Bro Dave Donceras

Through the conference, I was reminded, how great Our God is and how faithful Our Mother is.
Of how He love and bless the lowly people.
I know with my big FAITH + HOPE; I can now fully put my TRUST in God and Mama Mary.
 It also reminds me to have a humble and loving heart just like Our dear Mama Mary.
I will now stand firm in encouraging everyone to pray the Holy Rosary everyday and to have a deeper relationship with Mama Mary.
As indeed, the power of praying the Holy Rosary works; it can miraculously change people’s heart :)
 - Sis Lyn Nulud

We really need to think about the YES of Mary. The complete and total surrender of Mama Mary is just difficult, and it takes so much selfless love. To even decipher it, is beyond our human capabilities. But He is calling us to 'share' it, to 'experience' it, to 'achieve' it.  And that IS the blessing of it.

If there are more titos and titas who want to share, just message our official FB page  or comment here, thank you!

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