; CFC Middle East: PRAY and PREPARE

Tuesday, December 11


I am a planner.

I find it irresponsible if I was not able to plan for something that is already a known challenge. I always have a list or a mental list of what to do and what to buy. I mark my calendars, count the days, and write down what to do for the day. Meal plans. Vacation plans. Party plans. It is me, being sure that I maintain the control of the situation even the schedule and the details to ensure the outcome that I want. In the process of making all the lists and post-its and journals I find myself having planned for almost everything, but unprepared for what God really wants for me and that really broke my heart.
There are times that when I pray I tell God what my plans are and ask Him to bless me and help me with the “list”. Not bad right? At least I’m including God in my plans. But I was wrong. Who am I to include God in my plans? I should’ve asked God to prepare me for His plans for me. I should’ve prepared and not plan all along because only God knows what and where He wants me to be.

It’s really amazing how the power of God works. Looking back at all of the award-winning, heart breaking, confusing, blood-increasing, adrenaline-rushing moments of my life, God was there working in my life. I just didn't see at that time because I was so blinded of those moments. My past has prepared me for who I am and what I am doing today. When we pray to God to give us strength He will not give us vitamins or some sort of gym membership but instead He will give us challenges that will make our faith stronger.

God does the planning; we do the preparing. Just like what happened before Christ was born. It was “John the Baptist prepared the way” not “planned the way” for His coming. They always say that things happen for a reason and now I know that reason. God is preparing me for service. The catch here is that I’m still praying for something that is yet to come. I know that God will inform me of what service that will be when He is ready and when He knows that I am ready. Just like what surfers do, they don’t plan the waves; they are just prepared when the waves roll in. Planning is deciding what I will do and preparing is becoming ready to do what I might be called to do.

Abi Young, SFC UAE

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