; CFC Middle East: My Spirit reJOYces :)

Tuesday, December 18

My Spirit reJOYces :)

Reflecting on the Third Week of Advent - Candle of Joy

Joy. Rejoice. Delight. Be happy. Happiness. High Spirits. Great pleasure.

It can be whatever word you want from the thesaurus. Or whether it be spoken, exclaimed or even whispered in different tongues, joy is universally understood. It is more than an emotion like happiness. It is a state of being. The knowledge of joy (or at least the anticipation of true joy) has been hard wired into our DNA. We have been fearfully and wonderfully made with the longing to be in the presence of what would truly rejoice, and that is to be in the presence of the One who embedded us with that longing in the first place.
As the day draws near, our hearts must be in a state of breathless anticipation, delighted expectation.
Let us focus our souls towards the Source of Joy. Not to be worried about the days that would lead up to it.
Let us allow our spirits to be as excited as John the Baptist in Elizabeth’s womb during the Visitation, when even as an unborn baby, he could not contain the joy at being so close to His Saviour who was to be born.
Let every single cell in our earthly bodies join with the heavenly choirs as we truly exclaim,
“My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour”
Let us prepare ourselves mind, body and soul, not for the bountiful feasts that we would be partaking of in the many Christmas parties. But, rather, let us empty ourselves... liberate ourselves from the darkness in our lives to fully experience the joyful Light that we await to receive on Christmas day.
Come, Lord Jesus. Maranatha!

Why pink?
Many Catholics are unaware that the third candle of Advent is pink, not because they ran out of purple wax, but is part of an ancient tradition passed down. It was once a tradition for the pope to give someone a rose on the fourth Sunday of Lent before Easter to “liven up” the somber tone. And before Christmas became globally commercialized, it was common for people to fast during the Advent season (or the mini-Lent) as they called it. As such, the practice also became customary during Gaudete Sunday.
Heavenly Father,
This Year of Faith, we pray that ALL may ask You for the grace to have eager hearts to learn more about our faith and for eager mouths to share it with others.
- Apple Fuentes, SFC UAE

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